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Nowe 21 wydanie „Critical Stages” w sieci

Ukazało się nowe 21. wydanie internetowego półrocznika AICT. Osobna sekcja wydania poświęcona została teatrowi w stanie pandemii. Z okazji kolejnej edycji periodyku w szczególnie niesprzyjających okolicznościach sekretarz generalny AICT Michel Vais oraz redaktor naczelny Critical Stages profesor Savas Patsalidis skierowali do członlow Stowarzyszenia list rekomendacyjny, który udostępniamy.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Despite the difficulties caused by COVID-19, Critical Stages/ Scènes critiques is out on time, late June, as promised. I am very happy to announce the publication of its 21st issue which, in terms of quantity, is thus far the richest of all, with 70 contributions by 40 women and 38 men from 34 countries. 11 of these articles belong to the issue’s main Special Topic The Theatricality of Music, the Musicality of Theatre (meticulously edited by Octavian Saiu), and another ten, cutting-edge articles, to the Special Topic of the Essay Section (Mediating Performance Experience),  edited with care and professionalism by Yana Meerzon.

There is also an unplanned third special topic (which I edited) that emerged during the pandemic. It consists of 22 reports from 21 countries, plus an opening essay on how theatre dealt with similar crises in the past, starting with Oedipus disease story. This “extra” section  is a kind of “album” of first responses which provide, I hope, a global taste of what the theatre community has experienced in the last five months.

As for the other articles in this enlarged edition of CS/Sc, there are many different things to read and reflect upon. There is a very interesting essay by Don Rubin on the controversy that broke out in Canada around the decision of First Nations artist Yolanda Bonnel not to invite to her show bug the usual range of critics but, rather, to welcome only writers and reviewers who come from communities that she believed would understand her work on the ceremonial level.
Also: five thoroughly edited (by Don Rubin) book reviews, 13 very fresh  performance reviews (carefully selected and edited by Matti Linnavuori), three National Reports (from Montenegro, Mongolia and Morocco) and three interviews (selected and edited by me).
That said, I would like to extend special thanks to Don Rubin (managing editor) and Jeffrey Eric Jenkins (executive editor) for their generous support; to the journal’s  team, the section and language editors, the editors of the Special Topics, the IATC ExCom for its continuous support, the authors themselves who help maintain the quality of our journal by entrusting us with their fresh writings, and of course to our thousands of readers who help spread its contents.
CS/Sc aims to be a dynamic, forward-looking journal. Needless to say, therefore, we are already preparing our next issue which will carry three more Special Topics: the main topic („Re-orienting Arab Theatre and Performance: New Political Aesthetics,” ed. Youssef Yacoubi)) and two section topics:  „Theatre Criticism for Young Audiences: New Directions” (Critics on Criticism Section, eds. Diana Damian Martin, Rui Pena Coehlo, Anette Therese Pettersen) and „Theatre Criticism in the Age of Self-Isolation and Social Distancing” (Essay Section, eds. Yana Meerzon, Savas Patsalidis and Aly Murphy). Three topics seemingly different, but which share one unifying concept: the idea of change and newness.
The volume of our readership is steadily growing; it will continue to grow with your help. Please circulate, use your web pages and internet connections, let friends and colleagues know that our doors are open to all. Encourage them to join us (it is all for free!) as we continue producing new ideas for the ever-evolving theatre arts around the world.

I wish you all an exciting and creative six months until the publication of #22 of our journal, in December 2020.

Thank you.

Savas Patsalidis

Savas Patsalidis
Theatre Professor
Aristotle University
Critical Stages/Scènes critiques (the journal of IATC–International Association of Theatre Critics)
President of the Hellenic Association of Theatre and Performing Arts Critics

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