Przejdź do treści

Warlikowski nagrodzony laurem Nowej Rzeczywistości Teatralnej

Alessandro Martinez, sekretarz generalny Premio Europa per il Teatro nadesłał do nas radosną wiadomość: jednym z laureatów kolejnej edycji Europejskiej Nagrody Teatralnej w dziedzinie Nowej Rzeczywistości Teatralnej został Krzysztof Warlikowski. Wręczenie nagród odbędzie się w Salonikach w kwietniu przyszłego roku. Laureatowi gratulujemy, publikując oficjalny komunikat jury. Zapraszamy też do lektury relacji Tomasz Miłkowskiego z tegorocznej uroczystości Premio Europa w najnowszym numerze Yoricka (nr 14).



Proclamation officielle des lauréats du XIIe Prix Europe pour le Théâtre et du Xe Prix Europe Nouvelles Réalités Théâtrales



La  XIIe édition du Prix Europe pour le Théâtre, créé en 1986/87 comme programme pilote de la Commission Européenne et reconnu depuis 2002 par le Parlement Européen et le Conseil de l’Europe en tant que «organisation d’intérêt culturel européen», aura lieu en Grèce à Thessaloniki du 9 avril au 13 avril 2008.

L’Union des Théâtres de l’Europe et la Convention Théâtrale Européenne sont des organismes associés et bienfaiteurs, tandis que l’Association Internationale des Critiques de Théâtre, l’Instituto Internacional del Teatro del Mediterraneo et l’International Theatre Institute UNESCO sont des organismes associés


Le Ministère de la Culture grec subventionne la prochaine édition et a confié l’organisation en Grèce au Théâtre National de la Grèce du Nord qui accueillera le Prix Europe pour le Théâtre.


Le Jury international, réuni à Thessaloniki le 30 avril 2007 au Théâtre Vassiliko et ainsi composé :



Franco QUADRI                                                                                                          

Critique La Repubblica


Secrétaire Permanent

Renzo TIAN

Professeur Université de Rome

Commissaire Extraordinaire Ente Teatrale Italiano jusque 2002


Georges BANU                                                                                                             

Président d’honneur Association Internationale des Critiques de Théâtre                               

Professeur  Institut d’Etudes Thèâtrales – Paris


Manfred BEILHARZ                                                                                                  

Président  International Theatre Institute UNESCO

Directeur Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden


Daniel BENOIN                                                                                                          

Directeur Théâtre National de Nice


Jean Claude BERUTTI                                                                                                

Président Convention Théâtrale Européenne

Directeur Théâtre National de Saint  Etienne


Alexandru DARIE                                                                                                            

Président Union des Théâtres de l’Europe

Directeur Teatrul Bulandra


Marina DAVYDOVA                                                                                                    

Critique Izvestia-Expert



Brigitte FÜRLE                                                                                                            

Directrice Spielzeiteuropa

Directrice Berliner Festspiele


Ian HERBERT                                                                                                              

Président Association Internationale des Critiques de Théâtre

Critique Theatre Record


Lydia KONIORDOU                                                                                                        


Metteur en scène

Directrice DESMI – Centre pour l’Ancien Drame Grec- Athènes


Elie MALKA                                                                                                                 

Directeur Union des Théâtres de l’Europe


José MONLEON                                                                                                           

Directeur Instituto Internacional del Teatro del Mediterraneo

Directeur Primer Acto                                                                                                                                                                             


Milos MISTRIK                                                                                                           

Critique Slovenske Divadlo


Elisabeth SCHWEEGER,                                                                                            

Directrice Schauspielfrankfurt


Arthur SONNEN                                                                                                          

Directeur Artistique  Stichting International Culturale Activiteiten

Centre International de Services pour les Activités Culturelles


Staffan VALDEMAR HOLM                                                                                      

Vice- Président Union des Théâtres de l’Europe

Directeur Dramaten


a assigné à l’unanimité:

le XII Prix Europe pour le Théâtre à Patrice Chéreau.


Le X Prix Europe Nouvelles Réalités Théâtrales à Rimini Protokoll, Sasha Waltz et Krzysztof Warlikowski.


Une mention spéciale a été attribué, sous proposition de Vaclav Havel, Harold Pinter et Tom Stoppard au Belarus Free Théâtre pour leur résistance à l’oppression du gouvernement biélorusse.











Official announcement of the winners of XII Europe Theatre Prize and X Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities


The XII edition of Europe Theatre Prize, created in 1986/87 as a pilot programme by the European Commission and recognised, since 2002, by the European Parliament and Council as a European cultural interest organisation” will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from 9th to 13th April 2008.

The Union of European Theatres and the European Theatre Convention are associate and supporting bodies, while the International Association of Theatre Critics, the Instituto Internacional del Teatro del Mediterraneo and the International Theatre Institute UNESCO are associate bodies.

The Greek Ministry of Culture will finance the next edition of Europe Theatre Prize and it has entrusted the organisation to the National Theatre of Northern Greece that will host the Europe Theatre Prize.

The international Jury, which gathered in Thessaloniki on 30th April 2007 at the Vassiliko Theatre and composed of:



Franco QUADRI                                                                                                          

Critic for La Repubblica


Permanent secretary

Renzo TIAN

University of  Rome

Extraordinary Commissioner, Italian Theatre Society – 2002


Georges BANU                                                                                                             

Honorary President, International Association of Theatre Critics

Institute of Theatre Studies, Paris


Manfred BEILHARZ                                                                                                  

President, International Theatre Institute UNESCO

Director, Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden


Daniel BENOIN                                                                                                           

Director, Théâtre National de Nice


Jean Claude BERUTTI                                                                                                

President European Theatre Convention

Director, Théâtre National de Saint  Etienne


Alexandru DARIE                                                                                                            

President, Union of European Theatres

Director, Teatrul Bulandra


Marina DAVYDOVA                                                                                                    

Critic for Izvestia-Expert






Brigitte FÜRLE                                                                                                            

Director, Spielzeiteuropa

Director,  Berliner Festspiele


Ian HERBERT                                                                                                             

President, International Association of Theatre Critics

Critic for Theatre Record


Lydia KONIORDOU                                                                                                        



Managing director DESMI – Centre for Ancient Greek Drama- Athens


Elie MALKA                                                                                                                 

Director, Union of European Theatres


José MONLEON                                                                                                           

Director, Instituto Internacional del Teatro del Mediterraneo

Director, Primer Acto                                                                                                                                                                             


Milos MISTRIK                                                                                                           

Critic for Slovenske Divadlo


Elisabeth SCHWEEGER,                                                                                             

Director, Schauspielfrankfurt


Arthur SONNEN                                                                                                          

Artistic Director, Service Centre for International Cultural Activities


Staffan VALDEMAR HOLM                                                                                      

Vice- President, Union of European Theatres

Director, Dramaten


has unanimously awarded the XII Europe Theatre Prize to Patrice Chéreau


The X Europe Prize New Theatrical Realities to Rimini Protokoll, Sasha Waltz and Krzysztof Warlikowski.


A special mention has been awarded, proposed by Vaclav Havel, Harold Pinter and Tom Stoppard, to Belarus Free Theatre for their opposition against the oppression of Belarusian  Government.





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